Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory
Representative publications
Zhan XQ, Lu YM, Zhu JK, Botella JR (2021) Genome editing for plant research and crop improvement. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63: 3-33
Chen QB, Bai L, Wang WJ, Shi HZ, Botella JR, Zhan QD, Liu K, Yang HQ, Song CP (2021) COP1 promotes ABA-induced stomatal closure by modulating the abundance of ABI/HAB and AHG3 phosphatases. New Phytologist 229: 2035-2049
Aula OP, McManus DP, Mason MG, Botella JR, Gordon CA (2021) Rapid parasite detection utilizing a DNA dipstick. Experimental Parasitology 224: 5
Mason MG, Botella JR (2020) Rapid (30-second), equipment-free purification of nucleic acids using easy-to-make dipsticks. Nature Protocols 15: 17
Gao W, Xu FC, Long L, Li Y, Zhang JL, Chong L, Botella JR, Song CP (2020) The gland localized CGP1 controls gland pigmentation and gossypol accumulation in cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal 18: 1573-1584
Zou YP, Mason MG, Botella JR (2020) Evaluation and improvement of isothermal amplification methods for point-of-need plant disease diagnostics. PLoS One 15: 19
Mason MG, Blackall PJ, Botella JR, Templeton JM (2020) An easy-to-perform, culture-free Campylobacter point-of-management assay for processing plant applications. Journal of Applied Microbiology 128: 620-629
Qin XH, Duan ZK, Zheng Y, Liu WC, Guo SY, Botella JR, Song CP (2020) ABC1K10a, an atypical kinase, functions in plant salt stress tolerance. Bmc Plant Biology 20: 13
Smith MK, Ko HL, Sanewski GM, Botella JR (2020) Ananas comosus Pineapple. In: Litz RE, Pliego-Alfaro F, Hormaza JI eds. Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops CABI, pp. 158-172
Trau M, Eugene W, Botella JR (2019) Nucleic acid detection method and kit. US Patent 10,465,236,
Wang WJ, Chen QB, Botella JR, Guo SY (2019) Beyond Light: Insights Into the Role of Constitutively Photomorphogenic1 in Plant Hormonal Signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science 10
Maruta N, Trusov Y, Chakravorty D, Urano D, Assmann SM, Botella JR (2019) Nucleotide exchange-dependent and nucleotide exchange-independent functions of plant heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins. Science Signaling 12
Liu H, Guo SY, Lu MH, Zhang Y, Li JH, Wang W, Wang PT, Zhang JL, Hu ZB, Li LL, Si LY, Zhang J, Qi Q, Jiang XN, Botella JR, Wang H, Song CP (2019) Biosynthesis of DHGA(12) and its roles in Arabidopsis seedling establishment. Nature Communications 10
Botella JR (2019) Now for the hard ones: is there a limit on CRISPR genome editing in crops? Journal of Experimental Botany 70: 734-737
Hua K, Zhang JS, Botella JR, Ma CL, Kong FJ, Liu BH, Zhu JK (2019) Perspectives on the Application of Genome-Editing Technologies in Crop Breeding. Molecular Plant 12: 1047-1059
Mao YF, Botella JR, Liu YG, Zhu JK (2019) Gene editing in plants: progress and challenges. National Science Review 6: 421-437
Mason MG, Botella JR (2019) A simple, robust and equipment-free DNA amplification readout in less than 30 seconds. Rsc Advances 9: 24440-24450
Zhang JS, Zhang H, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2018) Generation of new glutinous rice by CRISPR/Cas9-targeted mutagenesis of the Waxy gene in elite rice varieties. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60 (5):369-375. doi:10.1111/jipb.12620
Voss-Fels KP, Robinson H, Mudge SR, Richard C, Newman S, Wittkop B, Stahl A, Friedt W, Frisch M, Gabur I, Miller-Cooper A, Campbell BC, Kelly A, Fox G, Christopher J, Christopher M, Chenu K, Franckowiak J, Mace ES, Borrell AK, Eagles H, Jordan DR, Botella JR, Hammer G, Godwin ID, Trevaskis B, Snowdon RJ, Hickey LT (2018) VERNALIZATION1 Modulates Root System Architecture in Wheat and Barley. Molecular Plant 11 (1):226-229. doi:10.1016/j.molp.2017.10.005
Li HP, Li K, Guo YT, Guo JG, Miao KT, Botella JR, Song CP, Miao YC (2018) A transient transformation system for gene characterization in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Methods 14. doi:10.1186/s13007-018-0319-2
Gao W, Xu F-C, Guo D-D, Zhao J-R, Liu J, Guo Y-W, Singh PK, Ma X-N, Long L, Botella JR, Song C-P (2018) Calcium-dependent protein kinases in cotton: insights into early plant responses to salt stress. BMC Plant Biology. doi:10.1186/s12870-018-1230-8
Guo JG, Li K, Jin LF, Xu R, Miao KT, Yang FB, Qi CY, Zhang L, Botella JR, Wang R, Miao YC (2018) A simple and cost-effective method for screening of CRISPR/Cas9-induced homozygous/biallelic mutants. Plant Methods 14. doi:10.1186/s13007-018-0305-8
Zhang H, Zhang JS, Yan J, Gou F, Mao YF, Tang GL, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2017) Short tandem target mimic rice lines uncover functions of miRNAs in regulating important agronomic traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 114 (20):5277-5282. doi:10.1073/pnas.1703752114
Zou YP, Mason MG, Wang YL, Wee E, Turni C, Blackall PJ, Trau M, Botella JR (2017) Nucleic acid purification from plants, animals and microbes in under 30 seconds. PLoS Biology 15 (11). doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2003916
Gao W, Long L, Tian X, Xu F, Liu J, Singh PK, Botella JR, Song C (2017) Genome Editing in Cotton with the CRISPR/Cas9 System. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (1364). doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01364
Lau HY, Botella JR (2017) Advanced DNA-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostic Methods for Plant Diseases Detection. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (2016). doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.02016
Richa K, Tiwari IM, Devanna BN, Botella JR, Sharma V, Sharma TR (2017) Novel Chitinase Gene LOC_Os11g47510 from Indica Rice Tetep Provides Enhanced Resistance against Sheath Blight Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 8. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00596
Tao YF, Mace ES, Tai SS, Cruickshank A, Campbell BC, Zhao XR, Van Oosterom EJ, Godwin ID, Botella JR, Jordan DR (2017) Whole-Genome Analysis of Candidate genes Associated with Seed Size and Weight in Sorghum bicolor Reveals Signatures of Artificial Selection and Insights into Parallel Domestication in Cereal Crops. Frontiers in Plant Science 8. doi:10.3389/fp/s.2017.01237
Tiwari IM, Jesuraj A, Kamboj R, Devanna BN, Botella JR, Sharma TR (2017) Host Delivered RNAi, an efficient approach to increase rice resistance to sheath blight pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani). Scientific Reports 7. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07749-w
Zhang H, Zhang J, Lang Z, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2017) Genome Editing—Principles and Applications for Functional Genomics Research and Crop Improvement. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 36 (4):291-309. doi:10.1080/07352689.2017.1402989
Lau HY, Wu HQ, Wee EJH, Trau M, Wang YL, Botella JR (2017) Specific and Sensitive Isothermal Electrochemical Biosensor for Plant Pathogen DNA Detection with Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles as Probes. Scientific Reports 7. GET IT HERE.
Mao Y, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2017) Heritability of CRISPR/Cas9-targeted gene modifications in plants. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 74: 1075-1093. GET IT HERE.
Wang M, Lu Y, Botella JR, Mao YF, Hua K, Zhu JK (2017) Gene Targeting by Homology-Directed Repair in Rice Using a Geminivirus-Based CRISPR/Cas9 System. Molecular Plant In press. On line version available. GET IT HERE.
Urano D, Maruta N, Trusov Y, Stoian R, Wu QY, Liang Y, Jaiswal K, Thung L, Jackson D, Botella JR, Jones AM (2016) Saltational evolution of the heterotrimeric G protein signaling mechanisms in the plant kingdom. Science Signaling 9. GET IT HERE.
Brenya E, Trusov Y, Dietzgen RG, Botella JR (2016) Heterotrimeric G-proteins facilitate resistance to plant pathogenic viruses in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Plant Signaling & Behavior 11. GET IT HERE.
Lau HY, Wang YL, Wee EJH, Botella JR, Trau M (2016) Field Demonstration of a Multiplexed Point-of-Care Diagnostic Platform for Plant Pathogens. Analytical Chemistry 88: 8074-8081. GET IT HERE.
Botella JR, Botella MA, eds (2016) Plant Signal Transduction. Humana Press, Springer, New York
Massel K, Campbell BC, Mace ES, Tai SS, Tao YF, Worland BG, Jordan DR, Botella JR, Godwin ID (2016) Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Potential New Targets for Improving Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Sorghum bicolor. Frontiers in Plant Science 7. GET IT HERE.
Mao YF, Zhang ZJ, Feng ZY, Wei PL, Zhang H, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2016) Development of germ-line-specific CRISPR-Cas9 systems to improve the production of heritable gene modifications in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 519-532. GET IT HERE.
Maruta N, Trusov Y, Botella JR (2016) Yeast three-hybrid system for the detection of protein-protein interactions. In JR Botella, MA Botella, eds, Plant Signal Transduction. Humana Press, Springer, New York, pp 145-154
Richa K, Tiwari IM, Kumari M, Devanna BN, Sonah H, Kumari A, Nagar R, Sharma V, Botella JR, Sharma TR (2016)
Functional Characterization of Novel Chitinase Genes Present in the Sheath Blight Resistance QTL: qSBR11-1 in Rice Line Tetep. Frontiers in Plant Science 7. GET IT HERE.
Subramaniam G, Trusov Y, Lopez-Encina C, Hayashi S, Batley J, Botella JR (2016) Type B heterotrimeric G protein γ subunit regulates auxin and ABA signaling in tomato. Plant Physiology 170: 1117-1134. GET IT HERE.
Trusov Y, Botella JR (2016) Plant G-Proteins Come of Age: Breaking the Bond with Animal Models. Frontiers in Chemistry 4. GET IT HERE.
Trusov Y, Dietzgen RG, Maruta N, Botella JR (2016) Simplified Assays for Evaluation of Resistance to Alternaria brassicicola and Turnip Mosaic Virus. In JR Botella, MA Botella, eds, Plant Signal Transduction. Humana Press, Springer, New York, pp 219-228.
Zhang H, Gou F, , Zhang J, Liu W, Li Q, Mao Y, Botella J, Zhu JK (2016) TALEN-mediated targeted mutagenesis produces a large variety of heritable mutations in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 186-194. GET IT HERE.
Zhang ZJ, Mao YF, Ha S, Liu WS, Botella JR, Zhu JK (2016) A multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 platform for fast and efficient editing of multiple genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports 35: 1519-1533. GET IT HERE.
Aranda-Sicilia MN, Trusova Y, Maruta N, Chakravorty D, Zhang YL, Botella JR (2015) Heterotrimeric G proteins interact with defense-related receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology 188: 44-48. GET IT HERE.
Zhang H, Gou F, , et al., 2015. TALEN-mediated targeted mutagenesis produces a large variety of heritable mutations in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal 13, 1-9. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12372 GET IT HERE.
Liu WS, Zhu XH, Lei MG, et al., 2015. A detailed procedure for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science Bulletin 60, 1332-47. doi: 10.1007/s11434-015-0848-2 GET IT HERE.
Hu Z, Parekh U, Maruta N, Trusov Y, Botella JR (2015) Down-regulation of Fusarium oxysporum endogenous genes by Host-Delivered RNA interference enhances disease resistance. Frontiers in Chemistry 3. doi:10.3389/fchem.2015.00001. GET IT HERE.
Maruta N, Trusov Y, Brenya E, Parekh U, Botella JR (2015). Membrane-Localized Extra-Large G Proteins and G beta gamma of the Heterotrimeric G Proteins Form Functional Complexes Engaged in Plant Immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 167, 1004-+. doi:10.1104/pp.114.255703 GET IT HERE.
Wolfenstetter S, Chakravorty D, Kula R, Urano D, Trusov Y, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Jones AM, Botella JR (2015) Evidence for an unusual transmembrane configuration of AGG3, a Class C Ggamma Subunit, of Arabidopsis. The Plant journal 81, 388-98. doi:10.1111/tpj.12732 GET IT HERE.
Wee EJH, Lau HY, Botella JR, Trau M (2015) Re-purposing bridging flocculation for on-site, rapid, qualitative DNA detection in resource-poor settings. Chemical Communications DOI: 10.1039/C4CC10068A. doi:10.1039/C4CC10068A GET IT HERE.
Lau HY, Palanisamy R, Trau M, Botella JR (2014) Molecular inversion probe: a new tool for highly specific detection of plant pathogens. PLoS One 9 (10):e111182. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111182. GET IT HERE.
Moyle RL, Botella JR (2014) EST Sequencing of Meloidogyne javanica Infected Pineapple Root Tissues Reveals Changes in Gene Expression during Root-Knot Nematode Induced Gall Formation. Tropical Plant Biology 7 (2):43-52. doi:10.1007/s12042-014-9136-6 GET IT HERE.
Moyle RL, Koia JH, Vrebalov J, Giovannoni J, Botella JR (2014) The pineapple AcMADS1 promoter confers high level expression in tomato and Arabidopsis flowering and fruiting tissues, but AcMADS1 does not complement the tomato LeMADS-RIN (rin) mutant. Plant Mol Biol 86 (4-5):395-407. doi:10.1007/s11103-014-0236-3 GET IT HERE.
Koia J, Moyle R, Hendry C, Lim L, Botella JR (2013) Pineapple translation factor SUI1 and ribosomal protein L36 promoters drive constitutive transgene expression patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant MolBiol 81 (4-5):327-336. doi:10.1007/s11103-012-0002-3 GET IT HERE.
Liu JM, Ding PT, Sun TJ, Nitta Y, Dong O, Huang XC, Yang W, Li X, Botella JR, Zhang YL (2013) Heterotrimeric G proteins serve as a converging point in plant defense signaling activated by multiple receptor-like kinases. Plant Physiol 161 (4):2146-2158. doi:10.1104/pp.112.212431 GET IT HERE.
Thung L, Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Jones AM, Botella JR (2013) Signaling Specificity Provided by the Arabidopsis thaliana Heterotrimeric G-Protein gamma Subunits AGG1 and AGG2 Is Partially but Not Exclusively Provided through Transcriptional Regulation. PLOS ONE 8 (3). doi:e58503. GET IT HERE.
Urano D, Chen JG, Botella JR, Jones AM (2013) Heterotrimeric G protein signalling in the plant kingdom. Open Biology 3. doi:120186 GET IT HERE.
Botella JR (2012) Can heterotrimeric G-proteins help to feed the world? Trends in Plant Science 17 (10):563-568. GET IT HERE.
Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Botella JR (2012) Site-directed mutagenesis of the Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G protein β subunit suggests divergent mechanisms of effector activation between plant and animal G proteins. Planta 235 (3):615-627. doi:10.1007/s00425-011-1526-5
Jiang K, Frick-Cheng A, Trusov Y, Delgado-Cerezo M, Rosenthal DM, Lorek J, Panstruga R, Booker FL, Botella JR, Molina A, Ort DR, Jones AM (2012) Dissecting Arabidopsis G beta Signal Transduction on the Protein Surface. Plant Physiol 159 (3):975-983. doi:10.1104/pp.112.196337
Koia JH, Moyle RL, Botella JR (2012) Microarray analysis of gene expression profiles in ripening pineapple fruits. BMC Plant Biology 12:240. doi:240
Thung L, Trusov Y, Chakravorty D, Botella JR (2012) Gγ1 + Gγ2 + Gγ3 = Gβ: The search for heterotrimeric G-protein γ subunits in Arabidopsis is over. J Plant Physiol 169 (5):542-545. doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2011.11.010
Trusov Y, Botella JR (2012) New faces in plant innate immunity: heterotrimeric G proteins. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 21:S40-S47. doi:DOI 10.1007/s13562-012-0140-3
Trusov Y, Chakravorty D, Botella JR (2012) Fusarium oxysporum infection assays in Arabidopsis. In: Running MP (ed) G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Plants, vol 1043. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1043. Springer, New York, pp 67-72
Trusov Y, Chakravorty D, Botella JR (2012) Diversity of heterotrimeric G-protein γ subunits in plants. BMC Research Notes 5:608-616
Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR (2011) An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein γ-subunit is involved in guard cell K+-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 67 (5):840-851. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04638.x
Klopffleisch K, Phan N, Augustin K, Bayne RS, Booker KS, Botella JR, Carpita NC, Carr T, Chen JG, Cooke TR, Frick-Cheng A, Friedman EJ, Fulk B, Hahn MG, Jiang K, Jorda L, Kruppe L, Liu CG, Lorek J, McCann MC, Molina A, Moriyama EN, Mukhtar MS, Mudgil Y, Pattathil S, Schwarz J, Seta S, Tan M, Temp U, Trusov Y, Urano D, Welter B, Yang J, Panstruga R, Uhrig JF, Jones AM (2011) Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis. Molecular Systems Biology 7. doi:532 10.1038/msb.2011.66
McCallum EJ, Cunningham JP, Lucker J, Zalucki MP, De Voss JJ, Botella JR (2011) Increased plant volatile production affects oviposition, but not larval development, in the moth Helicoverpa armigera. Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (21):3672-3677. doi:10.1242/jeb.059923
Botella JR (2010) Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. In: Ladiges P, Evans B, Saint R, Knox B (eds) Biology, an Australian focus. McGraw-Hill, pp 287-316
Trusov Y, Jorda L, Molina A, Botella JR (2010) G Proteins and Plant Innate Immunity. In: Yalovsky S, Baluska F, Jones A (eds) Integrated G Proteins Signaling in Plants. Signaling and Communication in Plants. Springer, pp 221-250. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03524-1_12
Wever W, McCallum EJ, Chakravorty D, Cazzonelli CI, Botella JR (2010) The 5' untranslated region of the VR-ACS1 mRNA acts as a strong translational enhancer in plants. Transgenic Research 19 (4):667-674. doi:10.1007/s11248-009-9332-6